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Today's Horoscope


Your social nature is dominant today, so get out there and mix things up or host an impromptu gathering! It should all go perfectly because you are totally in sync with other people right now.

Love for Singles

When it comes to situations involving friends, cuties, whoever, things could get dicey. You're better off flying solo now, so spend time alone. If that isn't possible, be ready to deal with issues.

Love for Couples

Life is just passing you by. You're so focused on the end goal, whatever that is, that you've lost sight of the present. Just enjoy each other's company. Worry about your future kid's name later.

Today's Career Prediction

Keep the upper hand and you'll come out ahead. The worst thing you can do is bow down in a power struggle with a coworker or supervisor. Even if you fail, you'll still have your self-respect.

Weekly Readings


When the week starts, you might be inspired to strike out on your own in a way that surprises even you. This is the beginning of a new personal cycle marked by asserting your independence and unique perspective. Leaning into any impulses to embrace quirkiness or get out of your comfort zone can serve you well now. Later, the cosmos fuels your desire to enjoy eye-opening experiences with friends and loved ones. Open up about all the travel you want to plan or out-of-the-ordinary excursions you’d love to check out together, then see where the conversation goes. These daydreams might be easier to turn into reality than you think.    


You're irked on Monday and Tuesday when someone acts out a bit more than usual, leaving you to make up your mind between acceptance and a go-nowhere fight. You're just a bit out of sync, but things pick up by midweek. At that point, you find that you're all about the future, even if you just got together with someone. Talk things over and see what comes of it. Don't worry about risking the relationship. Slow down a bit over the weekend. Sweetie may be trying to get you to rush into something you're just not ready for.


Put a little love in your heart at the week's start. Start off by keeping an open mind -- you might not fully 'get' a local custom, but you don't have to. You just have to understand why it's so important to the inhabitants around you. By Wednesday you see that there are more similarities than differences between 'you' and 'them.' Go easy on yourself Thursday and Friday; you can't always be on the go. You'll be rested up and ready for the weekend, where you'll have so many possibilities you'll wish you could split yourself in two to enjoy them all.

This Week's Career Prediction

"Conformity" is the watchword on Monday, so make sure you're not the nail that gets hammered down. It's better to be the hammer! Offer your assistance to coworkers midweek even if they don't seem to need it. It's a great time for you to rack up points to call in later. You make some progress on Thursday and Friday, but it probably isn't as much as a boss prefers. Try to explain that speed entails risk, but there might be no pleasing them. Your practical side is out in force this weekend, so it's a good time to dream up time- and money-saving ideas.

Monthly Readings


Reviewing Your Habits

Taurus, a communicative solar eclipse in Libra on October 2 encourages change in the areas of work, well-being, and lifestyle. This cosmic event and the focus on the sign of Libra encourage you to embrace a fresh start by aligning your daily routines with your true desires. Trust in the process and let your heart guide you. The Universe is urging you to step into a more harmonious and fulfilling chapter of your life. Embrace the change with grace and confidence.

When Venus links with Mars on the eighth, it can ignite a spark of passion that leads to a meaningful encounter. Be open to collaborations that resonate with your goals, because this could be the key to unlocking new potential.

Jupiter turns retrograde in your money zone on October 9, so it’s time to reconsider your income strategies. Expansion now depends on your savvy and hard work, so channel your practical nature into your financial plans. Trust in your ability to navigate these changes and turn challenges into opportunities. Stay grounded yet flexible.

Meanwhile, the full moon in Aries links to Mars in Cancer on the seventeenth, which could trigger an emotional outburst about an issue you’ve been keeping under wraps. Use this chance to express your feelings and clear the air.

Lovely Venus, your guide planet, enters Sagittarius that same day, so your desire for something could become an adventure in itself, offering the opportunity for self-growth. Embrace this period as a chance to explore your passions and deepen your understanding of yourself.

Finally, the sun moves into Scorpio on October 22 and remains here for four weeks, illuminating your sector of relationships and urging you to cooperate, network, and cherish moments with loved ones. You’re invited to balance following your inner journey with nurturing meaningful connections. Explore your desires with an open heart and let them guide you to new heights. Engage truthfully with others and watch your relationships blossom and thrive.


A steady Venus-Saturn trine on October 4 sets you up for strengthening connections by making trust and loyalty your top priorities. Whether you’re in a long-term relationship or just starting something new, this energy encourages you to build a solid foundation based on shared values and mutual respect.

On the eleventh, regenerative Pluto goes direct in determined Capricorn, stirring up some pretty rare passion and intensity. What’s up with those suppressed hungers and buried emotions, Taurus? This transit has some excellent transformative powers if you can bring yourself to confront some of your darker desires.

As cosmic guide Venus enters sizzling Sagittarius on October 17, your love life gets some relief in the form of playfulness and adventure. You crave freedom and excitement now, so don’t be afraid to break out of your usual routine and try something new. Single? BOLO for a free-spirited partner who shares your wanderlust. In a committed relationship? Jetting off to an exotic location gets you out of your rut.

The Venus-Saturn square on the twenty-eighth can throw some curve balls your way, testing the strength of your relationships. Whether you’ve been married forever or just started a flirtmance, you’ll be facing some challenges or disagreements now that are a big turnoff. Just always remember that love is a journey, not a destination.

Health & Fitness

Reviewing Your Habits

Taurus, a communicative solar eclipse in Libra on October 2 encourages change in the areas of work, well-being, and lifestyle. This cosmic event and the focus on the sign of Libra encourage you to embrace a fresh start by aligning your daily routines with your true desires. Trust in the process and let your heart guide you. The Universe is urging you to step into a more harmonious and fulfilling chapter of your life. Embrace the change with grace and confidence.

When Venus links with Mars on the eighth, it can ignite a spark of passion that leads to a meaningful encounter. Be open to collaborations that resonate with your goals, because this could be the key to unlocking new potential.

Jupiter turns retrograde in your money zone on October 9, so it’s time to reconsider your income strategies. Expansion now depends on your savvy and hard work, so channel your practical nature into your financial plans. Trust in your ability to navigate these changes and turn challenges into opportunities. Stay grounded yet flexible.

Meanwhile, the full moon in Aries links to Mars in Cancer on the seventeenth, which could trigger an emotional outburst about an issue you’ve been keeping under wraps. Use this chance to express your feelings and clear the air.

Lovely Venus, your guide planet, enters Sagittarius that same day, so your desire for something could become an adventure in itself, offering the opportunity for self-growth. Embrace this period as a chance to explore your passions and deepen your understanding of yourself.

Finally, the sun moves into Scorpio on October 22 and remains here for four weeks, illuminating your sector of relationships and urging you to cooperate, network, and cherish moments with loved ones. You’re invited to balance following your inner journey with nurturing meaningful connections. Explore your desires with an open heart and let them guide you to new heights. Engage truthfully with others and watch your relationships blossom and thrive.

This Month's Career Prediction

With the sun, Mercury, and Venus adding energy to your house of partnerships and contracts, you might find that there are many opportunities on the table for you to choose from. Even though there is a lot of activity and energy happening for you, it’s best to take your time and make visions. You don’t want to rush into something that isn’t the right career choice for you just to make money.

In true Taurus form, you’ll want to give yourself a week or two to ruminate over your final decision. The reason being is because you’re looking and longing for a sustainable and long-term relationship. Seek advice from those you trust and admire before signing contracts and committing. Ask for more information, and make sure you know the whole scope of work before taking anything on. By the end of the month, you’ll be ready to announce your plans.