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A massive severe weather outbreak is forecast for April 12, Easter Sunday, across the south spanning from Texas to the Virginias, while the central US and the northern Rockies will see widespread snow; plus, more of today’s weather news and forecast.
An area of severe weather is forecast over Texas Friday around the Panhandle and extends into portions of southeast New Mexico.
On Saturday, a much larger area of severe weather will occur over nearly three-quarters of Texas, and into the western edge of Louisiana. The storm will also bring a flash flooding threat for northeast Texas, southwest Alabam, and northeast Louisiana.
Thunderstorms will occur today over portions of the West, central US and Deep South. Rain and thunderstorms are forecast for portions of Southern California, southwest Arizona, eastern Colorado, southwest Nebraska, western Kansas, the Oklahoma Panhandle, eastern New Mexico, throughout most of Texas, southern Alabama, and Georgia, as well as throughout Florida.
Strong thunderstorms will extend from the nation’s midsection, through the Ohio Valley, and into the northeast on Easter Sunday. However, the biggest area of severe weather will occur in the South and could impact at least 17 states.
The risks include heavy rain, flash flooding, damaging winds, large-scale and isolated tornadoes.
The National Weather Service (NWS) has highlighted the dangers for eastern Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Arkansas, Georgia, the Florida Panhandle, South Carolina, western North Carolina, western Virginia, southwest West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, southern Indiana, southern Illinois, southeast Oklahoma, and southeast Missouri.
The NWS has issued flash flood warnings and/or advisories for portions of Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee, South Carolina, North Carolina, Kentucky, West Virginia, and Virginia.
Mixed precipitation in areas of the west and northern Rockies could transform into snowfall today over the eastern edge of Washington, northern Idaho, throughout Montana, northern Wyoming, northwest South Dakota, and Western North Dakota, as well as western Colorado.
Heavy snow is forecast for portions of western Montana.
In the northeast, mixed precipitation will extend northward from the Virginias all the way to Maine. Light snowfall could occur in any of these northeast states.
On Easter Sunday, the National Weather Service (NWS) is forecasting a large area of snow in the west for portions of western north-central, eastern, and southeastern Montana, throughout Wyoming, northeastern Utah, throughout Colorado, western North Dakota, western South Dakota, the western half of Nebraska.
In addition, heavy snow will be seen in the northeast corner. Heavy snow is also forecast for portions of northern Wisconsin and northern Michigan.
Mixed precipitation could turn into snow over sections of the Sierra in California, northern Arizona, and New Mexico, southern Colorado, northern Kansas, the eastern half of Nebraska, southeast South Dakota, throughout Iowa, southern and eastern Minnesota, throughout Wisconsin, northern Michigan, portions of northern Vermont, New Hampshire, and Eastern Maine.
West: San Francisco 59, Los Angeles 65, Reno 61, Las Vegas 63, Salt Lake City 64, Denver 70.
Northwest & Northern Rockies: Seattle 66, Portland 75, Boise 68, Billings 68, Bismarck 56, Rapid City 64.
Southwest: Phoenix 77, Albuquerque 71, El Paso 8, San Antonio 77, Brownsville 88.
Central & Upper Midwest: Lubbock 69, Dallas 73, Oklahoma City 68, Kansas City 59, Minneapolis 49.
Ohio Valley: Chicago 50, St. Louis 58, Detroit 45, Cincinnati 52.
South: Houston 76, New Orleans 76, Memphis 59, Atlanta 60, Charlotte 61, Jacksonville 75, Tampa 84, Miami 94.
East: Norfolk 58, Washington, D.C. 52, Buffalo 42, New York 51, Boston 49, Bangor 34.